I’m Laura Murphy
I’m an east coast (Newfoundland) born, Vancouver-based certified breathwork facilitator, a conscious and spiritual business mentor, and a heart activator. I’m on a mission to LIVE FULLY, on my own terms and to create a life that aligns fully with my heart (even if that doesn’t make sense to most). Soulbody began as an outlet for me to share my evolution and expansion and has morphed into a wellness stop for heart seekers.
Current Obsessions: Lifting heavy weights, my 14-year old chihuahua, a killer meme I can send to my bestie and getting lost down a TikTok rabbit hole.
While healing can be big work, I try not to take anything too seriously.
Through the many iterations of Soulbody over the last 3-4 years, one thing has remained constant: YOUR HEART KNOWS. I have spent a lifetime and $1,000’s seeking outside of me for answers that I had access to from within. It was through breathwork that I was finally about to see that my purpose was much more than a job title or business. It was ME. From that vantage point, what I realized is that our purpose is to be so fully in and express from our heart’s that it’s unbearable to be or do anything else.
SOULBODY is the safe and supportive container for you to come home to your heart, open the portal of your hearts intuitive magnificence and build the life you desire from there. And, breathwork is at the foundation of everything I do. It has been such a profound part of my own journey, I have no other choice but to share the power of breathwork for helping you come home to your heart.
So what do I do? I help you access and become who you are here to BE. My only ask of you, if you embark on this journey with me is to be willing to shift your focus inward, to do the ‘work’ and be courageous enough to take ONE STEP towards the life you desire. Are you with me?
My journey is far from over but here is a glimpse of what has gotten me to where I am today. I share this because I know there are so many beautiful souls out there that are living in the exact same way, souls that are seeking to run wild and free!
Growing up, I saw a life ahead of me lined with career, financial, and relationship ‘SHOULDs’ which felt all wrong. I knew this couldn’t be it and there had to be something different out there and I was determined (and I’m a Leo…so that’s serious determination) to find a new way.
Like many of us, I muffled this inner voice and took the path most traveled. I completed a degree in something I wasn’t interested in, stepped into a career that was wrong for me and married my future ex-husband. I ignored where my heart was guiding me.
You can ignore your inner guidance system for only so long before the rug will get pulled out from under you.
My marriage exploded, my heart broke wide open into a million pieces, and my life got turned upside down until I managed to course correct. My soul wanted more, it wanted to change, it wanted expansion. Tuning in, I picked up and started a new life on the opposite side of Canada. I went inward, I broke down, I healed, I listened and I stepped into the person I was meant to be all along. For the first time, my true light began to shine brightly.
As things became routine, something similar started to happen. I got comfortable in the mundane routine and became so disconnected from myself that I couldn’t hear my soul screaming “HECK NO!” as I accepted jobs that were completely out of alignment with my true calling. I shut my inner voice down for the price of a paycheck.
Life responded with a vengeance (are you starting to see the pattern yet?)
I had a niggling feeling that something wasn’t right and had to change. I started looking for cues everywhere I could. I quit my job and traveled to India, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand seeking. I got training after training, went from partner to partner, hired intuitives and mystics, heck I even resorted to asking Google!
I didn’t listen.
I didn’t trust myself, my own voice.
I didn’t believe that I could succeed and I certainly didn’t trust that I was worthy of my wildest dreams.
Subtle nudges I’ve been receiving from the universe turned into knee-buckling lessons. I was let go from THREE jobs that my soul had begged me not to take in the first place. My body started to react and shut down. I was sick and injured.
I was, once again, forced to come to a screeching halt in order to tune in and listen. I was humbled, stripped down, beaten up and forced to go within. The funny thing is, I learned that going within and asking my soul for guidance is all I had to do in the first place. To end my suffering, to heal and to create space for what needed to come to the surface.
That is where SOULBODY, in this iteration, was born. As I step into this year, my light is shining so bright it can no longer be dimmed and SOULBODY is evolving into a sacred space from my heart to yours.
I am raw, open, excited and elated to embody this message and hold space for you lovely souls.