6 Tips to Creating The Life You Desire


Hello, January! It's funny you know, I have a love hate relationship with this time of year. I hate the commercial side of this time of rebirth that is rooting for and capitalizing on our waning motivation for turning our resolutions into reality. I love that this time of year provides an opportunity to clean house, wipe the slate clean and to (re)focus on moving towards our deepest desires. 


Which Path do you choose?

My invitation to you is to let it be just that, an opportunity to re-align with our inner most desires and to start closing the gap between who you are now and who you most want to become. The journey to who you are becoming  will ask you to move beyond focusing on losing the last 10 pounds or getting more active. For you to quantumly step into your highest vision of self, you will be faced with the decision to stay just as you are to to begin to walk a new path, which inevitably changes the course of your life.  Which would you choose?

Last week, I led a group through a Quantum Visioning workshop and breathwork session where we casted our future vision and explored what that version of ourselves would accomplish this year.  I paired it with breathwork to help move energetic blocks that stand between you and your desires and to help integrate and expand into that vision.


To be honest, the content was too juicy not to share, so here are 6 key tips on how to cast the quantum vision and step into who you are here to be.

  1. FIND STILLNESS WITHIN. First and very foremost, stillness is an ABSOLUTE requirement for where you are heading. Stillness and presence requires you to turn the focus inward and connect to your heart. This connection is the bases for a strong foundation, one built on who you are. Without this stillness, this connection, you build a vision on shaky ground. So, meet yourself there, right where you are. Hot tip: Meditation helps.

  2. CAST THE FUTURE VISION. Next to stillness, this is one of the most important steps. Without a vision, we have no direction. How will we know when we get there if we don’t know where ‘there’ is? You get the picture. While I love to play in the sandbox of seeing myself at the pinnacle of who I am here to be in my life, my approach to future visioning has shifted. Just as the journey to your purpose is one led by following the breadcrumbs of our curiosity, building the vision of our highest self requires you to future vision (or visualize) moments in time. These moments can be near and far. This practice will ask you to come back to it over and over again. Our vision will evolve and expand just as you do and as your capacity to receive it does.

  3. FOCUS ON THE ESSENCE. In the future visioning process (or visualization meditation meditation), focus less on what you are doing, the things you have or HOW you are building your 7-figure business (if that’s your dream). Focus more the essence of who you are in that moment and extract the gold from there. This moment is an embodiment of your highest self. Notice how they move through the space, the beliefs they hold (or no longer hold onto). Notice how you move through the space and how you adorn your body. Drink in every ounce of this ESSENCE that makes up your highest self (you’ll need this for the next step). To power up your vision, begin to interact with that vision of you, ask for what you seek answers to, asked to be shown the way, ask for a sign that you are supported and be OPEN to what you receive.

  4. CRAFT THE CHARACTER.  Once you come out of the meditation, begin to capture and encapsulate what your future self embodied. Recap all the details as if you were explaining that person to someone else. What was it about them that was so magnetic or vibrant? What did they embody? What are the skills, strengths, gifts and decisions that person makes. What labels, descriptors, nouns or adjectives would you use to describe that version of you? When I walked myself through this process, which I do, I landed on a character that was a FEARLESS LIONNESS (I’m a Leo). She was the physical embodiment of Beyonce with a gold crown (as shown in the picture to the right).

  5. BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF YOUR HIGHEST SELF. The fastest way to collapse the timeline and quantumly step into your desires is through EMBODIMENT. What does that mean? Moving through the world as the person you are right now will get you more of the same. When you begin to make decisions from the place of the person you are becoming, things will inevitably begin to shift. We begin to move beyond the fears and beliefs or disbeliefs that stand in the way of who we are now and who we are becoming. Start to play the character that you crafted in the previous step. Dress like them, move like them, ask what they would do and let yourself be guided. Build habits, explore curiosities and act from the heart of the person you envision. SPOILER ALERT: You already are them (and they you). The only thing standing in the way of you becoming them is the belief that you aren’t and that you can’t.

    Embodying your highest self doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside-down in one foul swoop. Transformation is more often than not a series of small, seemingly insignificant steps in the direction of who you are becoming. A shift in the direction of your life by as little as 1% can land you in a completely new destination.

  6. GET OUT OF THE WAY. Remember, what got you here won't get you to where you are going. While you’ve picked up habits and skills that have let you expand into the current version of who you are, new habits, skills and curiosities will get you somewhere new. Your desires and highest vision will ask of you to step into the unknown, into something new. What if the only thing standing in your way between where you are now and who you are becoming is you?


While this just scratches the surface of what we covered in our session, I wanted to offer these tips to you as you move into this season of rebirth. AND...If you missed the live session I’ve made it available for you to come back to and work through the guided process. The recording comes with a bonus of 2 short integrative practices that you can build into your daily supportive practices. While the focus of our session was moving into 2022, the content in this sacred container is timeless and the potency of the group reverberates through the replay of the session. You can find it here:

A note on visioning for the skeptics

You already vision all the time. I've gotten push back from people saying they don't 'see' anything when they try to future vision. Phewie. I invite you to let your imagination run wild. The line between imagination (or creativity) and intuition are very blurry. See what opens up when  you let yourself have the audacity to dream and to play. If you need inspiration, look at your IG feed. It will often give you themes for the aspirational life that you desire. Look at the people you admire (or envy) they are living something that you are drawn to...explore there.