Welcome to your free breathwork experience. This is far more than just a practice, it’s a journey. On this page you will find everything you need to get started with breathwork or build onto your practice. If you are new to breathwork, please ensure you have listened to the prerequisite recording before beginning the session.


This is more than just a guided breathwork session, this is a glimpse at how I structure my group, 1:1 and signature offerings and is designed to be a journey.

  1. **Getting Started with Breathwork - A short intro to the practice, what you can expect, and how to breathe and more).
    Note this is REQUIRED if you are new to breathwork.

  2. An 8-minute Heart-Centring Meditation - A short meditation designed to bring you into the present moment, begin accessing your body and connecting to your heart.

  3. A Self-Inquiry Practice - A short journalling session to get you closer to your heart, activate your intuition and loosen up anything that is ready to be moved out.

  4. A 15-Minute Guided Breathwork Session - A powerful guided breathwork journey good for those new to the breath or those who are growing their practice. Also great for a quick energy tune up when you need it!

  5. Integration - A closing message on how to support yourself post-practice.


If you are new to this style of breathwork, please listen to this short intro FIRST.

In the intro we cover:

  • About the practice

  • The journey

  • The breathing patter

  • Getting your self + your space set up

  • What you might experience


Before you begin your breathwork session, it helps to do a short meditation to help you come into the present moment, set the tone for the practice and connect to both an intention and your heart. For this meditation, sit or lay comfortably and begin meeting youself where you are.


Self-Inquiry is a practice of asking ourselves questions that start to peel back the layers and masks we’ve used to protect ourselves or hide behind and get closer to our truest essence. These questions are designed to give you a jumping off point for your journey. Like journalling, allow yourself to free-write and don’t overthink your response. Your hand is an extension of your heart. Be open to what your heart is telling you! I like to practice self-inquiry before breathwork because often it will bring to the surface what is ready to be released and the breathwork will help clear it out.

  • Self-love is….(what does it mean to you? What does it feel like? What is its essence?)

  • How do you embody it?

  • In what ways do you hold back or restrict love for yourself?

  • What conditions or restrictions do you place on self-love?

  • If I wasn’t so afraid, I would…..

  • I forgive myself for….

  • I am ready to fully embody….

  • What advise would you give your 20 year old self when it comes to self love?

  • If your heart was to speak to you now, what would it say? (For this one, it helps me to write from the perspective of my heart. I will start by saying something like: Dear Laura, If you could see yourself through my eyes you would see….

  • Close by writing a few words that your body/heart needs to hear from you.


Go ahead, lay down and get yourself prepared for the session. I like to begin with a blanket over myself, wearing loose clothing and lowering the lights in the room.

Enjoy your journey….

…Welcome HOME.


Whether you feel like it or not, you moved a TON of energy in that practice and it’s important that you support yourself as you move back into your day. How do you do that? First and foremost - BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. You may feel raw, open, and emotional. Honor that. Trust that anything that came up in your practice did so from a place of love because you were ready to process and move through it (even if you aren’t sure what IT is).

Here are some of my favourite ways to support my body and heart after practice:

  • GROUND INTO YOUR BODY: Place your hands on your body, feel your feet on the floor, breathe into your body.

  • WATER IS EVERYTHING: Drink it, get in it (bath/shower), get around it, observe it.

  • EMBRACE NATURE: Get outside. Even if just to take a breath or feel your free on the ground, nature is the BEST way to ground into yourself

  • NOURISH YOURSELF: Eat and really savour a nourishing meal, ask your body what it needs to feel nourished and GIVE IT THAT!

  • ACCESS OTHER TOOLS: Grab your favourite essential oils and put a few drops on your palms and BREATHE IT IN (Lavender or Peppermint are great for post-breathwork)

  • FREE-WRITE: You are connected to your heart, pick up your pen and fave journal and allow it to FLOW!

If anything came up for you that you have questions on or you feel like you need some extra support, please reach out to me at


Enjoyed your experience and feel like you are ready to go a little deeper? I got you boo. Here are a few ways to breathe with me either in a group or 1:1.