While we are in the process of building out a more robust digital home for all of this work; consider this your quick access to meditations, practices and teachings on how to become more resilient in the face of everyday stress. If you have questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at hello@soulbody.co.



The meditations you will find here are short, by design. My intention is not to make this a practice you’ll ‘get to’ when you have more time. I want you to be able to access and practice this anywhere (yup, even at work).


Before we you jump into more complex practices, begin by finding and connecting to your breath. Then, and only then, can you begin to make changes in your mind, your body, your nervous system and how you feel.

Now, you can take this deeper. Below are a collection of meditations and series designed to bring you into your body, calm your nervous system and access presence (which, as you know is where the magic happens).

Meditation Collection


To be fair, what' you have practice to this point IS breathwork. Breathwork is using or manipulating your breath to inspire an outcome in your body — be it mental, physical, emotional or even spiritual.

Breathwork is a fantastic way to move stagnant energy in your body, calm the nervous system and to open you to your own wisdom.

Give these practice a try:

Breathwork to reduce stress & anxiety (with Dr. Andrew Huberman)

This intro to breathwork is designed to help you move stagnant energy and create space with your over-active mind.


  • Draw. If you’ve been in one of my sessions, you’ll have done this exercise — press play, put your pen to paper and and move the pen to the music. Notice when you get pulled away from the practice and come back. May fave song to mindfully draw to: West Lake by Saib.

  • Disconnect. Find a way to disconnect completely everyday, even if it’s just for a few moments. Block out the noise of your phone and notifications to be fully and completely still .

  • Come to your senses: Try this: Explore the room with your senses. Noticing:

    • 5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste

  • Move your body. Some of the biggest breakthroughs in decision making, critical thinking and creative pursuits come from going for a walk(outside). Bonus points if you can do this undistracted by your phone, podcasts, etc.

  • Practice Gratitude. Gratitude is truly the gateway to the present moment.

    • It’s common to ‘get stuck’ in a loop of saying the same things you are grateful for (i.e. my dog, my kids, my partner, my house, etc). To get out of the loop, simply ask new questions:

      • Something I’m celebrating today…

      • Something I appreciate…

      • People who bring me joy…

      • I couldn’t live without…

    • Drop the multi-task. Studies have shown that it is virtual impossible. It’s also well known that some of the greatest minds and top leaders have gotten where they are because of their ability to create time where they can focus. Can you block off 30+ minutes to singularly focus on one piece of work, one task, one activity. That means no picking up your phone, no checking emails, not scrolling while you do something else.

    • Shake it out. Try this seated shaking to reduce stress, anxiety and to release tension from the body

    • Mindful Eating. The next time you sit to eat your lunch, do just that — and I mean only that. Put your phone down. Digestion begins before the food even enters your mouth. What if you were to take time to explore your food with your senses as you eat. Smell it, see it, really taste, notice the textures.

    • Express Yourself. Do something creative that connects you to your inner expression

    • Connection. Connect with someone you love and appreciate, someone who makes you feel good. It’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to regulate your nervous system.