Ep 5. Solo Episode - How To Come Into Your Heart + Find the Answers That You Seek


Today's episode was a short and sweet one with yours truly. One of the visions I had when I began this podcast was to share with you the stories and inspiration that I experience and get the pleasure of witnessing through my own learnings, the coaching that I do and in the space that I hold for people. Today, I was inspired to share with you what I witness and experience when I see people in a frantic and panicked headspace. When they are trying so hard to think their way into answers and solutions. What I have seen is that at the core of it we all KNOW the answers. We know want we want and we know the next step to take. While our thinking mind might not know, our heart knows. 

In the episode I talk about what it is to come into our hearts and I give 3-4 of the tangible steps that I take regularly to do just that. Coming into your heart will ALWAYS begin with the breath. And we pause for a moment in the episode to take a few breaths together (note: don't do it if you are driving!). I also give you the journal exercise I use most regularly when it comes to accessing the wisdom that sits in my heart. I talk about how 2 dear friends of mine have called me out for always saying "I don't know" when in fact, I do know. Sometimes the answer we KNOW may not be the easiest or most comfortable answer but we still KNOW. 

Then, I tell you about 2 of my favourite morning practices that have helped me hear the wisdom of my heart. Hot tip: it isn't the actually practices that helps, it's that I'm doing something that is aligned with my own expression of JOY and feeling good!

Here's a recap of what I spoke about: 

  • What I witness + experience when we are facing tough decisions, resistance or struggle

  • We already know the answers, we just have to come into our heart

  • How and why we build a relationship to our heart (self-trust)

  • The quickest and easiest breathing practice to get you out of your head and into your heart

  • The journalling practice that I use regularly that helps me hear the wisdom of my heart

  • How tapping into simple moments of joy can help you get access to the answers you are seeking
