Ep 1 - My Journey to Purpose

Ep 1. My Journey to Purpose

You have arrived at my VERY FIRST podcast episode, and I couldn’t be more excited!

My intention in starting the Purpose + Possibility podcast is to highlight conversations and stories of people who are choosing to live life a little differently. They push passed societal should to live a life on their own terms. In fact, I would say they are truly living. My hope in this journey is that you feel inspired to open yourself up to new and bigger possibility. This life is mean to be lived (and not after we retire). I truly believe our purpose is to come so fully into our hearts that it is unbearable to be/do anything else. What does that mean? And how do we do that? We’ll explore just that on this journey together!

In this episode, we get acquainted.

I give you a little background on my mission with Soulbody, this container you find yourself in. To be real, I didn’t know what I wanted it to be when I first began. I knew it would be a hub of transformation and it would help connect people to not only their body, but their soul, their purpose, their highest self. The expression it has taken has shifted from then to know and we get into just that in this episode.

I talk about how messed up it is that we let our high school selves and school counsellors have a say in what we will do with the rest of our lives - hello, I barely know myself now in my late 30’s, I sure as hell had no clue who I was at 17.

And, we walk through some of the hall of fame moments on my journey into purpose, which I’m sure you can relate to. Looking for purpose in a job title, in places, in experiences - I even tell you the story of how i turned to Google to guide me. Job hopping to manifesting my dream job, only to realize it was never a job that would fulfill me in the way I was looking for.

I began following the breadcrumbs of my curiosity and turned my focus inward which resulted in 2 BIG ‘ah-ha’ moments for me this year around purpose:

  1. I was NEVER going to find it by searching outside of myself. That essentially I was my purpose. To be the truest expression of ME.

  2. It was never about the destination. I was never going to ARRIVE at my purpose and be able to kick my feet up and say, “I’ve made it”. It is, in fact, the journey that is the purpose.

And, because I love to make things real and tangible, I give you 3 easy steps to begin the process of getting out of your head and INTO YOUR HEART!

A recap of what I talked about:

  • Being a seeker, looking for something deeper

  • Knowing life was about more than I had been told I SHOULD want

  • We are our only blocks when it comes to our desires

  • The importance of being the curious explorer of your life

  • My journey as a job hopper looking for a title to fulfill me

  • How your outside world is a reflection of your inside world

  • The moment when I began to turn my focus inward

  • How to connect to your heart and start taking small actions to align

  • My 2 biggest ah-ha moments around purpose
